Mitigación de DDoS y alojamiento seguro

Protegido y Conectado.

Deflect mejora el rendimiento y la seguridad del sitio web. Sus lectores estarán seguros en la privacidad y la ética web de Deflect.

Protection icon


Implementamos múltiples estrategias de defensa exhaustivas para garantizar que su contenido esté siempre disponible.
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Performance icon


Optimice el rendimiento y disponibilidad de su sitio web en nuestra infraestructura global.
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Principles icon


Deflect es un servicio ético guiado por principios, términos de servicio y política de privacidad claros. Precios por adelantado y sin cargos ocultos.

Philanthropy icon


Por cada cliente subscrito con Deflect, ofrecemos nuestra protección, sin costo, a organizaciones sin fines de lucro eligibles.

Características de Deflect

Mitigación de DDoS

Una década de experiencia mitigando ciberataques. Aprende más.

Análisis de amenazas

Detección de bots y análisis de amenazas impulsados por IA. Aprende más.

Cifrado en todas partes

Seguridad de transmisión y almacenamiento a través de Deflect. Aprende más.

Apoyo humano

Atención al cliente ofrecida en inglés, francés, español y ruso.


eQpress es una plataforma segura para sitios web de WordPress.

Panel de control

Toma el control de todas las funciones de Deflect. Para usuarios y administradores.


Zamaneh Media

We are very happy with our choice for the Deflect CDN. The move to Deflect went extremely smoothly and with zero downtime, despite the complicated nature of the transition. We really appreciate the excellent customer service and personal communication with the team: Deflect is open to discuss any request that we throw their way.

Marcel Oomens, Zamaneh Media

Zamaneh Media


We’re thankfull for another year of meaningful pertnerships committed to advancing our shared goal of fighting disinformation and promoting an enviroment of truthfulness. We are gretful for Deflect’s protection against the recent DDoS attack to VERA Files website.

Sarah Escandor-Tomas, The VERA Files


Los Danieles

Thank you to Deflect who has protected us from so many cyber attacks. They have demonstrated that their technology can be used to protect freedom of expression.

Daniel Samper, Los Danieles
Los Danieles

Articulo 19

We love the transparency and clarity in the privacy policy and the personal support from Deflect.

Articulo 19 Team

Articulo 19

IPOS Solution

IPOS directly benefited from Deflect’s expertise and professionalism when our main website was subjected to an unprecedented attack. At the time, the services of similar companies, including Cloudflare and Google PageSpeed, failed to protect IPOS’ election tracking poll against a major DDoS attack during the 2013 presidential elections in Iran. However, Deflect were able to quickly set up a CDN front, accept traffic from IPOS’ main domain, and fight back against the attack. Thank you, Deflect.

Ali Reza, Director at IPOS Solutions
IPOS Solution


During the latest fighting in the Gaza Strip, attempts by opponents of free speech escalated, including stepped-up DDoS attacks which our previous hosting providers failed to repel. Deflect proved itself extremely helpful in protecting our website, and has allowed us to carry on with getting our information out to the public here in Israel, Palestine, and abroad.

Hagai El Ad, Executive Director at B’Tselem

Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana

Our thanks to Deflect for their support in the protection of our website This support helps defend the rights of 1,500 Amazon communities against extractivism, in order to help save ancestral lands.

Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon
Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana

Arakan Rohingya National Organisation

We came to know Deflect in June of 2012, when violence broke out in the Rakhine state of Myanmar, Burma. Our website, the first Rohingya News Agency, had been continuously attacked and went down. The Deflect team brought it back on-line and are still protecting it today.

Ronnie, Director at Arakan Rohingya National Organisation
Arakan Rohingya National Organisation

Children on the Edge

Thank you so much for your support in getting it back up and running and also for Deflect’s general support of nonprofits. It’s vital that our Ugandan team can communicate their work to their own networks, and we’re very grateful to have found a way to make that possible.

Esther Smitheram, Communications Manager, Children on the Edge

Children on the Edge

Aprobado por

Internews Logo
ihoopamatop Logo
PEN Logo
Caucasian Knot
Seawatch Logo