Get protected. Stay connected.
Deflect improves website performance and security. Your readers will be safe on our network.

We deploy multiple defense-in-depth strategies to ensure your content is always available.
Learn more.

Optimize the performance and availability of your website on our global edge infrastructure.
Learn more.

Deflect is an ethical service guided by principles, clear terms of service and privacy policy. Transparent pricing with no hidden fees.

When you register for Deflect protection, we extend our services, without cost, to eligble non-profit organizations.
Deflect Features


Sign up today
- 25 million monthly readers.
- Fair and transparent.
- No hidden fees.
- Socially responsible and principled.
- No data resale or brokerage.
- Customer support focused.
How much will you pay?
Deflect pricing is based on unique monthly visitors to your website. To estimate your costs with Deflect, enter your current monthly visits.