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Updates from Deflect – 3 – 2022

This was a busy month for Deflect’s mitigation tooling, with Banjax blocking almost 12 million malicious requests launched by 108,294 different bots. Due to the war in Ukraine, many people turned to Deflect protected Ukrainian media sites for information. Throughout the month Deflect served 1,128,751,920 requests (almost double than the previous month) of which 283,570,50 came from Ukraine – around 20% of our global traffic. 1,277,053 Ukrainians read Deflect protected websites – also a testament to the stability of the Internet there.

Ukrainian readership in March, by city

The biggest attack recorded this month was against informator.ua – a pan-Ukrainian news website with a focus on the Donbas region.

On the 31st of March, between 07:45-8:50 GMT+0 about 1,300 unique IPs were blocked by Deflect as they attacked informator.ua with GET /ru?8943563843054274 and POST /ru?829986440416200 requests, utilizing cache-busting techniques. These bots were from Brazil, USA, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh and many other countries, almost 1,000 of them seems to be infected MikroTik routers. Several hundred were compromised webservers and SOCKS proxies. There was a partial downtime for this website for about an hour as Deflect was not able to mitigate this attack fast enough to be sure no malicious requests are hitting the origin. The Baskerville system did not react as expected (this has been fixed). We enabled Challenger for this domain to be sure we can mitigate future attack without any issues for the origin. Our log aggregation and analysis system was affected by the overall amount of requests and was out of sync for a short period of time.

Over 300,000 requests per minute were generated by the attackers. As you can see – a significant amount of bots originated from the United States. This is another important reminder for patching your computer systems and other Internet connected devices. Otherwise it could be your system attacking Ukrainian websites too!
Top banned unique IPs by vendor

    912 MikroTikRouter
    232 Unknown
     51 UbuntuServer
     44 Torrouter
     33 DebianServer
     16 WindowsServer
      6 WindowsSystem
      6 RedHatServer
      4 CentOSLinuxServer

Top banned unique IPs by service

    875 MikroTik
     49 Ubuntu-ssh
     44 TorExitRouterHTTPheader
     33 Debiansshheader
     13 MikroTikSNMPinfo
     10 MikroTikFTPserver
      8 MikroTikPPTPserver
      7 WindowsRDPServer
      7 MSIISheader
      6 WindowsNetBIOS
      6 RedHatDNSheader
      5 MikrotikRouterOSconfigurationpage
      4 ApacheCentOS
      2 WindowswithMSHTTPAPIWebServer

by client_url:

199940     /ru
102142     /ru/category/biznes/login
37312      /ru/ukraino-rossiyskie-peregovory-v-stambule-itogi
3          /ru/post-prev/45573