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AdVita Foundation

Based in:Russia
Protected:Since 2019
About:The charitable foundation AdVita is a nonprofit, non-governmental organization that supports palliative and hospice care for people in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, and elevates the quality and scope of medical services to modern standards. It is not easy to get government assistance for families caring for elderly and sick relatives, so patients in need of palliative care are often “invisible” people. The Palliative spb website provides information and advisory services for patients requiring palliative care.
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Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa (Трансєвропейська обсерваторія на Балканах і Кавказі)

Під захистом:з 2014 року
Про організацію:Створена як форум для обміну знаннями та діалогу між організаціями громадянського суспільства, які працюють над інтеграцією в ЄС країн Південно-Східної Європи (ПСЄ). OBC Transeuropa прагне зміцнити європейський проєкт шляхом підтримки транснаціональних відносин та вивчення питань, які мають вирішальне значення для демократії в ЄС. Онлайн-форум організації зосереджений на 20 країнах Південно-Східної Європи, Туреччині та Кавказі. Понад 50 кореспондентів допомагають зменшити інформаційний розрив між цими країнами, будуючи діалог у суспільстві.
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Based in:Uzbekistan
Protected:Since 2017
About:Eltuz is a satirical website covering political issues in Uzbekistan, a country defined by many human rights organizations as an authoritarian state. In 2018, the Deflect Labs team uncovered a large campaign which combined web and phishing attacks against media sites and activists, including Eltuz: https://equalit.ie/deflect-labs-report-6/
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Based in:Israel
Protected:Since 2014
About:B’Tselem is an Israeli nonprofit organization striving to end Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories. B’Tselem has been targeted by DDoS attacks many times in the past, including in 2013 and 2014, and then again in 2016, when they were protected by Deflect. The organization has been facing pressure from the Israeli government for years, as well as from sectors of the Israeli public.
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Regional Press Development Institute

Based in:Ukraine
Protected:Since 2016
About:IRRP contributes to the development of pluralistic and independent media in Ukraine. Their activities include assistance for investigative journalists, support for gender equality, and legal support for the media and more than 98 projects.
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Prirpin Communities

Based in:Ukraine
Protected:Since 2014
About:This site is a public resource that has provided a wide range of information about local government and community problems in the Prirpin region since 2013. This is the main communication platform for Prirpin communities.